Build Your Collection.

Here’s why you should hire T8 Partners to be your trusted art adviser:

  1. Expertise. We have the ability and access to build quality private, corporate and foundation collections.

  2. Quality. We give a damn about the collections we make. There is no substitute for quality and we believe what you don’t buy is as important as what you do buy.

  3. Time. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. If you want to build a meaningful collection efficiently, we’ll make sure you don’t screw it up along the way.

  4. Results. No sherpa, no summit. If you want to build a collection worth having, you’ll need a pro.

  • We advise and manage all aspects related to building and maintaining a fine art collection, including acquisition, digital inventory, shipping, framing, insurance, and installation.

    For our private clients, we leverage longstanding relationships with galleries and auction houses to identify and secure the best buying and selling opportunities.

  • It all begins with an idea. We help Corporate clients identify a strategic collection plan that aligns with the company’s mission. This can range from an investment approach to a social mission for the collection.

  • For private collectors looking to share their collection more broadly, T8 Partner is able to advise on foundation structure and management.